3 Things You Should Know About Before Working As A State Court Interpreter

Posted on: 20 May 2016
If you are considering seeking employment as an interpreter or professional translator for the state courts, make sure you know the important details to help you be successful. Here are three things you should know about before taking a job as a state court interpreter. Compensation It is a good idea to know what you can expect to receive in salary or hourly compensation when you work as an interpreter for your state courts.
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Five Things You Can Do To Make The Unpacking Process Less Stressful

Posted on: 20 May 2016
Moving can be a stressful time for people, and for some, unpacking their possessions is the least desirable part of the process. That is why it is important to establish a few unpacking "ground rules" to help make the process less difficult and angst-provoking. Below are several principles to follow during the unpacking phase to make your transition to a new home more pleasant and to help you get off to a good start in your new surroundings:
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5 Tips for Getting Rid of Shredded Paper in an Environmentally Friendly Way

Posted on: 17 May 2016
If you are in charge of maintaining the shredding program for your office, then ordering an appropriate shredding machine is just your first step. You'll also need to educate employees about what should be shredded and find a way to dispose of shredded documents. If you need an environmentally friendly approach to the disposal of your shredded documents, try one of these tips.  1. Only Shred Documents That Require It
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Four Tips to Ensure Your E-Waste Gets Recycled Safely and Environmentally

Posted on: 16 May 2016
Your old electronics have metal in them, and because you try to live an eco-friendly life, you want to ensure that metal gets harvested and reused. How can you ensure that the process happens safely and responsibly? Here are some tips to keep in mind: 1. Do not throw your electronic waste in the landfill. Whether you are disposing of a TV, an old computer, or any other type of electronic waste, you should not throw it out with your garbage.
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